Non-Thai passengers traveling on domestic flights must present their boarding pass along with one of the following documents.

Last updated: 10 มี.ค. 2568  |  4460 จำนวนผู้เข้าชม  | 

Non-Thai passengers traveling on domestic flights must present their boarding pass along with one of the following documents.

Passport issued by the state of the nationality of passport holder (Original).
• UN Laissez-Passer (Original).
• Travel Document for refugees and People Seeking Asylum issued by United Nations or by the government of issuing countries (Original).

If non-Thai passengers traveling on domestic flights lose or are unable to present their identification documents, they must provide one of the following documents.

• Emergency Passport (Original) or Emergency Travel Certificate (Original)
• Non-Thai ID Card issued by Department of Provincial Administration of Thailand (Original)
• Driving License issued by Department of Land Transport of Thailand (Original)

These will be effective as of January 16, 2024. 

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